Parashar Patrika Horoscope is a pinnacle of Vedic astrology that unravels the cosmic blueprint of your life’s journey and is named after the sage Parashara, one of the founding figures of Vedic astrology.

It uses traditional Vedic astrology principles and techniques to analyze an individual’s birth chart. It provides insights into planetary positions, aspects and their effects on various life areas such as career, finance, relationships and more based on the birth chart analysis.

Language Available: English and Hindi.
Format: Soft copy (Hardbound on request)


Parashar Patrika Horoscope is characterized by a depth of knowledge and its precision sets it apart from other astrological systems. It interprets the positions and movements of celestial bodies which offer meticulous insights into the planetary influences that are helpful in shaping up your life.

Parashar Patrika Horoscope provides a holistic understanding of your life’s journey, encompassing various facets such as career, relationships, health and spirituality. It leaves no stone unturned in its quest to reveal your true path


Parashar Patrika Horoscope reveals your life’s purpose and provides profound clarity on the unique journey that lies ahead. It access comprehensive predictions spanning various aspects of life including career, relationships, health, finances and spirituality.

It explores the karmic imprints that influence your current circumstances. Personalized recommendations and remedies will be beneficial to empower you in making positive changes in your life.


  • Birth Details
  • Lagna Charts and Dasha
  • Planetary Degrees and their Positions
  • Chalit and Nirayana Bhava Chalit
  • Karka, Avastha and Rasmhi
  • Sudarshan Chakra
  • K P System
  • Significators and Ruling Planets
  • Shodashvarga Charts
  • Shodashvarga Table
  • Friendship Table
  • Shadbala and Bhavala Table
  • Shadbala and Bhavala Graphs
  • Asthavarga Table
  • Asthavarga Graphs
  • Vimshottari Dasha
  • Yogini Dasha
  • Favourable Points
  • Gem Selection
  • Favourable Stone
  • Rudraksh
  • Sade-Sati Consiideration
  • Kaal Sarp Yoga
  • Pritidosha Vichar
  • Numerology Prediction
  • Personality Analysis
  • Planet Reading
  • Prediction of All 12 Bhav of Lagna Kundali
  • Astro Graphs of 10 Years Yoga

Price (INR): 1001
Discounted Price (INR): 251

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