Lal Kitab is a distinctive and intriguing branch of Vedic astrology known for simplicity and innovative remedies and emphasizes the role of malefic planets and suggests remedies such as wearing specific gemstones or performing simple rituals to mitigate their negative effects. Lal Kitab is often referred to as the “Red Book”.

Language Available: English and Hindi.
Format: Soft copy (Hardbound on request)


Lal Kitab Horoscope is presented in a manner that transcends the complexities of traditional astrology. Its wisdom is accessible to individuals of varying astrological backgrounds, making it a valuable tool for self-discovery and insights into your life’s purpose and challenges.

The remedies in Lal Kitab Horoscope are simple yet remarkably effective and serving as potent solutions to mitigate the influence of malefic planets and harmonize your life’s energies.

Lal Kitab delves deep into the realm of karma, unveiling the intricate web of past-life actions that influence your present circumstances. It offers insights into karmic patterns and debts which enables you to navigate life with a greater understanding of your unique journey.

Lal Kitab is renowned for its identification of rare planetary combinations or yogas. These yogas hold the key to unraveling the intricacies of your life’s tapestry, offering valuable guidance and revelations.


Lal Kitab Horoscope reveals your life’s purpose and provides profound clarity on the unique path that lies ahead. It accesses detailed predictions spanning career, relationships, health, finances and more. treasure trove of practical remedies that empower you to enhance your overall well-being. The remedies offered are tailored to your unique astrological profile and are known for their transformative impact.

Lal Kitab Horoscope explores the intricate karmic threads that weave through your existence and understanding the lessons and experiences you’ve carried from previous lifetimes will uncover remedies to balance karmic debts.


  • Birth Details
  • Lagna Charts and Dasha
  • Planetary Degrees and their Positions
  • Chalit and Nirayana Bhava Chalit
  • Gem Selection
  • Favourable Stone
  • Sadhe Saati Gem Selection Remedies   
  • Manglic Vichar Remedies
  • Kaalsarp Yoga Remedies
  • Numerology Results
  • Personality Analysis
  • Planet Reading
  • Physique Health and Nature
  • Lal Kitab Planetary Prediction
  • Debts of Previous Birth as per Lal Kitab
  • Dasha Analysis
  • Lal Kitab Varshphal of 10 Year

Price (INR): 1001
Discounted Price (INR): 251

Price (INR): 1001
Discounted Price (INR): 251

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