Pitra Dosha, also known as Pitru Dosha, is a concept in Vedic astrology that is associated with ancestral karma and its potential impact on an individual’s life. According to Vedic astrology beliefs, Pitra Dosha occurs when there are planetary afflictions or negative influences on the ninth house (Bhava) in a person’s birth chart, which is also known as the “house of ancestors.” It is believed that these afflictions are a result of unresolved issues or unfulfilled duties towards one’s ancestors.
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In Vedic astrology, it is believed that the souls of departed ancestors continue to exist in the afterlife and can influence the lives of their descendants. Pitra Dosha is thought to occur when these ancestors are unhappy or dissatisfied due to unfulfilled obligations or wrongdoings in their lifetimes.
Pitra Dosha can manifest in a person’s birth chart due to various factors including an afflicted ninth house or its ruling planet, the presence of malefic planets (such as Saturn, Rahu or Ketu) in the ninth house and the Moon’s unfavorable placement in the chart in relation to the ninth house.
It is believed that Pitra Dosha can lead to a range of challenges and obstacles in a person’s life. These challenges may affect areas such as career, relationships, health and financial stability. The specific effects can vary depending on the severity of the Dosha.
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